Rabu, 05 Januari 2022



Metaverse Backup Protocol

What is Value?

Values  is the  Metaverse Reserve Protocol  on  the Polygon Network  based on the $VALUES token   . Each $VALUES token is   backed by a basket of assets (e.g. MAI, FRAX) in the Value treasury, providing an intrinsic value that cannot fall below it. Values ​​Protocol  provides the possibility to support NFT tokens to treasury liquidity. Value introduces economic dynamics and game theory to the market through betting and relationships.

Value  partially branched to OlympusDAO with his own twist applied to the NFT Bonding for space based network metaverse and Polygon. 

Who creates Value? 

Values ​​is an offshoot of OlympusDAO with a twist applied to the NFT space on the Polygon Network that will help other projects build a decentralized metaverse. Our core team has combined experience in computer science, cryptography, economics and design. Followed by years of experience in crypto. We prefer to remain anonymous for the success of this project because of our goal to be a Decentralized Autonomous Organization.

How can I benefit from Value? 

The main benefit to stakeholders comes from supply growth. ValuesDAO harvests  new $VALUES tokens  from the treasury, most of which are distributed to stakeholders thanks to the $VALUES tokens   they offer. Thus, profits for shareholders will come from their automatic deposit, although risk remains an important consideration. That is, if the increase exceeds the potential decline in prices (due to inflation), the stakeholders will benefit.

The main benefit for bonders comes from price consistency. Bonders provide capital upfront and maintain at a specified point in time; it is in  $VALUES  and thus the bonder's profit will rest on the price of  $VALUES at the  time the bond matures. Bonders benefit from  rising or static $VALUES prices  .

How do I participate in Values? 

There are two main development strategies for market participants:  stalking  and  bonding  . Holding their stake  $VALUE  tokens are not balanced over  $VALUE  tokens, whereas binding grants LP or MAI tokens in exchange for discounting  $VALUE  tokens after a fixed period.

What's at stake?

Staking is the main value accrual strategy of Values. Stakers stake their $VALUES on the Values ​​website for rebase rewards. The rebase fee comes from the proceeds from the sale of the bonds, and may vary based on the amount of $VALUES in the protocol and the balance level set by monetary policy.

Staking is a passive long term strategy. An increase in your stake of $VALUES translates into a cost base that continues to fall and converges to zero. This means that even if the market price of $VALUES falls below your initial purchase price, with a sufficiently long betting period, the increase in your $VALUES bet balance will eventually outweigh the decline in price.

When you stake, you lock in $VALUES and receive the same amount of sVALUES. Your sVALUES balance is automatically rebase at the end of each epoch. sVALUES  is transferable and therefore can be composed with other DeFi protocols.

When you bet, you dare to take VALUE and receive the same amount of VALUE. Releasing means the user will forfeit the upcoming rebase reward. Note that the prize amount forfeited only applies to those that were not staked; the remaining VALUE wagered (if any) will continue to receive the rebase reward.

What's that?

Bonding(1,1) is a secondary value strategy of Value. This enables Values ​​to obtain its own liquidity and other reserve assets such as LUSD by selling $VALUES at a discount in exchange for these assets. Bonder protocol with terms such as bonder price, number of $VALUES tokens entitled to bonders, and vesting requirements. Binders can claim multiple rewards ($VALUES tokens) while they vest, and at the end of the vesting term, the full amount will be claimed.

Bonding is short-term active. The secondary bonding price discovery mechanism makes bonding discounts more or less predictable. Therefore bonding is considered a more active investment strategy that must be monitored continuously to be more profitable than staking.

The Bond supports Value to accumulate its own liquidity. We call our own liquidity  POL  . More POL ensures there is always locked out liquidity in our trading pool to facilitate market operations and protect token holders. As Values ​​becomes its own market, in addition to the additional $VALUES investors, the protocol generates more revenue from the LP rewards that strengthen our treasury.

(1,1) Bond

  • 1.1 Bonds is the process of buying 1.1 Common bonds
  • can exchange selected tokens (stable coins like DAI and USDC) or direct LP pairs with the Protocol with the usual balance of discounted $VALUES tokens.
  • It supports the Protocol to build a stablecoin reserve that helps develop the project and supports us to offer attractive APYs.
  • As a balance, Bonders will receive a linearly discounted supply of $VALUES that can be increased and staked or increased.

(4,4) Bond

4.4 Bonds are very similar to (1,1) with some differences

  • The payoff for bonding 4.4 is set in sVALUES(stake $VALUES), not $VALUES
  • The Complete Value of 4.4 is at stake, not separated into epochs
  • Your rewards increase as they are given, meaning you don't have to risk them, after claiming them
  • The liability has a vesting period of 5 days and you can claim at the end.
  • The percentage shown in the sidebar is the ROI (Return on Investment) after 5 days and not a discount.
  • The percentage details are displayed on the bond page
  • In the example below the ROI is 12.28 = 0.70% (discount) + 11.58% (Rebase reward on complete amount)

Further information:

Website: https://values.finance/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ValuesDAO

Dispute: https://discord.gg/xdNKGffeY2

Telegram: https://t.me/valuesDAO

Username: Lukakuh Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3122430

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