Selasa, 31 Agustus 2021



Democracy — Democratic parties are used to equalize and manage a group regardless of who, where, and how many. Democratic parties are straightforward, everyone gets the same vote. Democrats use multisign wallets as a form of governance where every registered, active address is entitled to a transaction confirmation sent to EVM. This is one of the most technically basic forms of party government.

Weighted Democracy — The Weighted Democracy Model aims to provide an alternative solution to funding governance. In this model, the user has a vested interest in a party and can track their Party Power percentage. Simply put, the higher the proportion of parties a partygoer has, the more power he has over the governing vote. Technically, party weights can be compared to LP pools. The more pools you have, the higher the percentage of your payouts, prizes and party benefits.

Monarchy — Monarchy is the simplest and most risky type of party. Here at PolkaParty, believe in decentralization and equality, with this in mind, allow a Party to be created that gives all Party governments to give to one wallet, the Monarchy.

Republic — The Republic changes the game not only because of its ability to manage funds in an untrustworthy manner, but because it is the most efficient way to validate transactions or decisions of individuals within a small group (such as a board of directors) representing a larger entity. This is the most efficient model because it only requires the full attention of some parties. This governance model is the pinnacle of PolkaParty's innovation as it allows a representative body to create and manage their own funds. PolkaParty is very focused on creating a universal experience in allocating funds appropriately and adequately for large investments.

Kickback PolkaParty

Kickback is an IDO event held every three months for early-stage projects launched on the PolkaParty platform. This early-stage project will soon receive verified parties on PolkaParty, get priority promotions on the platform for short-term token launches, as well as for long-term product features.

Harvest farm party

Yield farming with joint funds can be more beneficial than farming alone. In short, yield farming protocols incentivize liquidity providers (LPs) to stake or lock their crypto assets in smart contract-based liquidity pools. Many liquidity-related pools take into account factors such as time and amount staked. Therefore, it might be a good idea to find a LP provider instead of lending it yourself. Polkaparty provides a mutually beneficial relationship for this farming platform as a larger amount of liquidity will be provided.

Social Council

This Social Council will outline the competitive ranking of each party, as well as the party's categorical growth in funds, members, activities. The platform will begin to grow organically in volume, users and overall activity, as well as competitive associations with each party. It is important to take advantage of this competitive spirit of Partygoers, as members will take great pride in their personal relationships with popular and well-liked parties. This distinct quality is the reason for Social Council, the exclusive dashboard for Partygoers to have fully accessible data based on the ranking, funding and growth of the most important parties on the platform.

How Does PolkaParty Work?

  1. Parties will consist of members, whose personal wallets are integrated into the party wallet.
  2. Depending on the criteria set by the party, the parties will consist of voting and non-voting members.
  3. Wallet addresses with voting power will eventually be able to provide party guidance with voting actions
  4. HouseKeys are generated for all users creating parties (Public or Private), through which users can join parties seamlessly on the main dashboard within the PolkaParties Portal.
  5. HouseKey is required to sign a smart contract, so your wallet will be integrated into the party wallet.
  6. PolkaParty has built a time-interval based model that allows created parties to allow Partygoers to withdraw funds within a set timeframe.
  7. From such party's action, the user will be given a Daily, Monthly or Yearly + Withdrawal Time Sequence, to withdraw the profits back to the personal wallet.
  8. Penalty for early withdrawal of funds before the distribution interval for party members.

PolkaParty Gifts & Gifts

After the collection of the daily distribution fee, the total amount that has been collected will be paid back to the user, up to 50% of the total daily distribution fee collected on the platform, which stakes the POLP on the platform. If the volume & number of trades increases on each side, the bonus/payment of holding the POLP will also increase.

What are Polkaparty POLP tokens?

POLP is PolkaParty's governance token and the main catalyst behind most of the platform's products and features. All protocol management decisions are made by the POLP holder: from new products to asset rebalancing, strategy and integration. POLP allows its holders to take control of their financial future.

token POLP

This token will serve as a common token for the entire PolkaParty ecosystem. Tokens can be used for governance and will be the main catalyst for most of the platform's products and functions.

In addition, you can make protocol management decisions, from new product decisions to integrations.




PolkaParty Street Map

project team

project team


In conclusion, I will say that this project should undoubtedly be one of the keys to connecting your friends and relatives to communicate, contact, compete and make money together. You will have the opportunity to create a shared family wallet, where you will be able to customize the management for each member.

You will be part of a team, each of you will be able to give your own decision on common issues, for example, what coins to invest, or when to buy or sell, for example. In addition, a competitive environment will be created, in which the most active will win.

In general, only you can make the decision, but I advise everyone to familiarize themselves with the project and visit the links to their resources below.

Useful links:

Website -
Twitter -
Medium -
Telegram -

Username: Lukakuh Link:;u=3122430

Senin, 16 Agustus 2021



Xircus    platform  that can launch a personalized NFT trading platform for free.


Xircus helps influencers, brands, token makers, dapps or crypto enthusiasts to bring NFT to mainstream users. It is a free decentralized solution to help start your NFT journey in just a few minutes.
Spread your community NFT marketplace in minutes
Highly curated NFT collection in your market
Earn while rewarding community invitees

Privacy First Authentication

We believe mass adoption starts with making registration quick and easy. We developed our own Authentication API so users can easily login anonymously using a unique nonce encrypted by the wallet.

Better Infrastructure

We build our infrastructure with high speeds and dedicated servers capable of handling millions or even tens of millions of requests per minute. We added a cloud firewall to ensure that illegal ddos ​​attacks can be blocked instantly.

Developer Friendly

You don't have to move away from Xircus just by customizing your marketplace interface. We're building a frontend library to integrate with your existing codebase in React, NextJS, Vue, and Angular. And added support for ecommerce systems like Shopify, Magento, and Woocommerce.

Non-exchangeable tokens are digital assets based on blockchain technology that can represent digital content, artwork, and more. NFT tokens cannot be traded like cryptocurrencies in general, but users can trade NFT tokens in the provided marketplace. With the development of the DeFi sector, the NFT market is also growing. Especially when Grimes, the wife of one of the richest people in the world Elon Musk, managed to sell her $6 million NFT tokens, further increasing the popularity of the NFT market worldwide.

Seeing the growth of the NFT protocol,   Xircus   came up with the concept of the world's first multi-chain gamified DAO platform, which allows users to simply build their own NFT Marketplace. Xircus offers a free solution that allows customers to build their own NFT Marketplace with just a few clicks. This solution makes it easy for artists, influencers, content providers and others to customize and start their own NFT Marketplace.

Pasar NFT

Today many digital content creators are starting to use the NFT platform to market their content. For example, most content creators today use platforms like Rarible to create their own NFT tokens. With the help of Rarible, creators can convert their work into digital form (NFT tokens) that can be traded in the marketplace. Users can have the opportunity to earn up to thousands or even millions of dollars if their work is really interesting and exclusive.

Xircus   is a solution for users who have lost a small part of their income due to the third party NFT market. Because as is known, most of the third party NFT marketplaces charge a fee for each user's NFT token transaction. By creating their own NFT marketplace, users can avoid this and get back what is rightfully theirs.

About Xircus:

Xircus   is the world's first multi-chain gamified DAO platform that allows users to create and deploy custom NFT marketplaces. This platform provides many benefits especially for each of its users. both in terms of creating and implementing a dedicated NFT marketplace. on the other hand, every Xircus user can create and launch a personalized NFT trading platform for free without any cost. from this we will realize that this platform is really great and provides a lot of benefits overall.

xcur roadmap.png

Xircus   Platform DAO is also a powerful, unique and automated tool that empowers artists, influencers, content creators, collectors and brands by enabling them to create personalized NFT marketplaces. so I mean every user of the platform has full authority over their work whether it's creating, offering or selling it. platforms or NFT Markets like this have always been a top priority among big investors. therefore Xircus presents it all.
White paper

Xircus Features:

Xircus   is a platform that allows users to use their own custom NFT marketplace without the need to write a single code. Users don't need to know any coding or experience to be able to launch their NFT marketplace, they can launch NFT marketplace right away with just a few steps. But that's not all, there are several other features of Xircus:

xcur roadmap.png

Start Local Earn Global:   Users can build their NFT marketplace locally while also reaching a global audience. Xircus will help users in promoting in other markets.

Cost-Effective Technology:   There is no reason to spend extra money to develop an ultimately unreliable NFT market. With Xircus' technology infrastructure and smart contracts created by a team of experts, users can instantly build an NFT marketplace at no cost.

Own user ecosystem:   People can develop their own NFT marketplace and start welcoming content creators and collectors from anywhere.

Apply in Minutes:   No development experience required to implement your own NFT marketplace where makers and collectors can buy and sell their NFT items

Authentication First Privacy:   Xircus developed its own Authentication API so users can easily login anonymously using a unique nonce encrypted by the wallet.

Developer Friendly:   Users are not required to create their NFT marketplace interface. Xircus provides frontend frameworks in React, NextJS, Vue, and Angular to connect with the current user's codebase. In addition, eCommerce platforms are now supported.

Better Infrastructure: The   Xircus infrastructure is supported by dedicated and high-speed servers that can handle more than millions of requests and are secured with anti-DDoS technology.

Benefits If you join xircus

    A good event ensures meetings and unites people. We can also do this at live digital events. The technical possibilities of xircus ensure a living relationship between the audience and the actors.
    We focus on people and their exchange with each other, also in the digital world. All participants are also contributors. For example, speakers have the opportunity to bring interested parties from the audience onto the digital stage and speak to them.
    Xircus is intuitive to use and very easy. It works without instructions and without waiting.
    Every event requires financial and human resource costs. Xircus uses the right tools and formats required for each event and makes the event 100 percent reliable for the organizers.
    The bigger the digital event, the more confusing it gets. Xircus provides orientation and, with the help of intelligent matchmaking, leads each participant to the content and people they are interested in.
  • FREE
    At xircus, all visitors can move freely through the platform and decide for themselves which content they want to see.

NFT market dApps in no time

Xircus is the ultimate platform for all those who are currently losing a significant percentage of their profits to the third party NFT market. With Xircus, they can actively create a dedicated NFT marketplace and sell non-exchangeable digital assets directly to their fans and followers. Our conservative estimates suggest the Xircus could save NFT makers about $600 million in one year of launch. Moreover, by democratizing access to tokenization and NFT trading, the platform will empower all, be it individuals, brands, experts, (blockchain) startups or celebrities/influencers.

What makes us special?

Xircus is special, it is the first platform that allows users to create an NFT marketplace that they own and control. Furthermore, cross-chain compatibility ensures the platform supports all EVM-compatible protocols. With the project tested live and the market already implemented, we are ready to launch. The platform is backed by a native utility token which has several direct applications within the Xircus ecosystem. It also features a Defi powered token economy with rewards. Although initially, we have built the Binance Smart chain due to its low gas fees and fast transaction times, Xircus supports multi-chain deployment to various blockchain protocols such as Polkadot, Solana, flow, and other blockchains compatible with EVM.


Xircus   has 2 tokens that will support the operation and development of the platform. These two tokens are Xircus Marketplace Token (XMT) and Xircus DAO Tokens (XIRCUS). The XMT token is a token that will be used for the market and paired with a stable token. And XIRCUS tokens will be used as tokens to upgrade, vote, stake, subscribe and propose features, with a built-in DeFi feature that allows holders to earn XMT while holding. It is hoped that with the support of these 2 tokens, Xircus will continue to grow in the future.          

Xircus Road Map

The team started the   Xircus  project in Q1 2021 with smart contract development, wallet integration, DeFi features, stablecoin integration, DAO governance, decentralized marketplace, and functional prototypes. And in Q2 2021, the team will start developing DeFi token, XMT token for marketplace, cross chain integration, market spreader, static spreader, ERC721 collection spreader, ERC1155 collection spreader, subdomain provisioning via, core platform complete, testnet launch, and launch pad construction. And in Q3 2021 the team will do a public soft launch, and 3 stages of token sale, mainnet launch, music features for music related markets, features for influencers, initial dex offerings, Graphics protocol integration, orientation of 500 ringmasters and dApps, complete custom collection spreaders and upgradeable contracts,  Music UI and Sport UI Marketplace themes. Then finally in Q4 2021, the team will undertake WASM contract creation for Solana, Flow, and Near, V1 mobile app release with crypto wallet and AR features, Xircus NFT TV App, 2500 ringmaster orientation, cross market promotion, and many more market themes.


To conclude

Most of the content creators today launch their NFT tokens on third party NFT marketplaces. However, sometimes the NFT market imposes high fees that burden the user. Therefore, developing their own NFT market is the right solution, but not everyone has the knowledge to build their own NFT market. And Xircus comes as a platform that allows users to implement the NFT costume market without the need to write any code or any experience, users can use their own marketplace in just a few steps. In this way,   Xircus  can empower artists, influencers, content creators, collectors and brands who want to use their own NFT marketplace and help them reclaim their rights to fully monetize their content without any third party fees.


Useful links:

Website —
Telegram —
Twitter —
YouTube —
Github —
Facebook —
Instagram —
Linkedin —

Username: Lukakuh
